Most of my life has been what seems to describe most Americans lifestyle these days, the over used word "busy". Someone ask how you've been "busy" one replies, how are things going -"busy", how's the home life - "busy", kids? - "busy". When did the term busy become an everyday common language used to describe our lives. How did it become so encapsulated with one simple word? Busy Just doesnt make sense to me. It appears that the whole world is to busy, everyone is too busy for friends, or family. All we seem to know is work. The race for success!! Is work honestly that satisfying that we know nothing else? In the background we are fading away from our true selves and becoming what we hoped we wouldn't be - endangered to the point of extinction. We only use social media forms such as text messaging, facehbook, and twitter to get our connection with others. Yes at times I see it has a point for networking and taking to multiple individuals once but what I've realized is that we are losing the ability to have conversations in real life, that we are unable to speak our minds in the here and now. We are becoming an isolated people. How perfect a plan to destroy unity, fellowship, and individuality. The plan to kill, steal, and destroy is coming into focus. I wonder in time what will really happen? Will we continue to travel down the unspoken path or at some point will the two paths cross? What we happen? As we live in the technology age more and more things are possible but are we trying to alleviate the need for God to create our own kingdom? Are we hoping that we will one day be the masters of this world? To think, the world was suppose to end 7 days ago, well it was predicted to end. How could this be? What are we doing? How will you make a difference in this life? How will I? Can it be done? Can we recover what was once lost? Is it to late? Is there still hope?
We shall see...
Steven Ortman
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